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Just about life as we know it

Ways to Recycle and Donate

on May 16, 2011

We hear it all the time…Recycle, Recycle, Recycle.

Many of us do recycle and a lot of us don’t. I always have to ask just Why?

Here are simple ways for everyone to recycle:

Newspaper; use it for washing your windows, use it for your wood stove, give it to a friend or neighbor who may not have the money to buy one for themselves and ask them to pass it on to someone else.

Donate: all of us have items we no longer need such as furniture, books, clothing etc. Donating is a great way to recycle and best of all you can take a charitable tax deduction at tax time. Don’t throw it away, Donate it.

Yard Sale: sell your stuff and make some money. Again, you are recycling!

Printer Cartridges: call your local office store and ask them if they have a recycling center for printer cartridges or find a charity who will take them for a donation.  If you decide to give don’t forget the end of the year charitable tax deduction at tax time.

Cellphones and other mobile devices: call your wireless carrier and see if they recycle cellphones. I have found that most of them will recycle and give your cellphone to charitable cause such as domestic violence charities.

Have recycling bins for plastic, glass, metal and paper/cardboard. You will have to check with your city or town to see which items are recyclable. On the bottom of plastic containers there is a triangle symbol with a number inside it. Where I live we can only recycle 1 and 2’s. All of the other numbers are trash. For instance, if you have plastic containers with lids; reuse them for taking leftovers to work for lunch or use them for paper clips, coins, etc..

We can all do our part in recycling and reducing waste in the landfills. Recycle, Reuse and Reduce Waste!

I would love to hear from everyone who reads this blog on how they recycle, reuse and reduce waste.

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