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Mad Craze Coming to an End

Lately we are hearing more and more news about the coupon extremists. I recently watched a story on the news last week about this very topic and I was in awe when I saw how much these people are saving. Really, are you saving that much because it looks like you all have come to endure an obsessive compulsive behavior over saving and hording food. You all need therapy just to get yourselves back in control!

So in this story I saw garages, closets and rooms in houses full of food. I saw at least 50 cans of Hormel Chili, 12 tubes of toothpaste etc…So how might one household eat that much food before it expires? Have you thought about that question or are you going to open up a food pantry. In my opinion it would only make sense to give to people who can use it.

I think the real question here is why all of sudden the mad craze to save on food, yeah its pricey and it comes with bad economy but really are you saving that much money that you can afford to have that much food on hand? Sooner or later, it will waste away because of the expiration dates.

The most bothersome thing about this topic is that when I am at the grocery store with my list and I reach for an item that isn’t there because I know some extreme couponer cleared the shelf before I got there. Well lo and behold the grocery stores are on to you people because now they are limiting how much we can buy and now limiting how many coupons can be used in a single checkout.

I just have to say “Thanks” for screwing the system, because I rely on my coupons for savings and for you extremists who think nothing of the rest of the us we get limited because of you.


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